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In Xapi, the organization owner and admins can create multiple projects under a single organization and manage access within the organization. Then you can add members to the projects and manage different access levels within the project.

Xapi provides you with a central place to view project statuses and other important details by introducing the project dashboard. Also, the Activity Stream gives an overall idea of the activities going on. In a project, you may enable the Kanban Board and project-level catalog to enforce a standard API review process for the project & track the project requirements.

Project user types

Xapi projects facilitates following user types to enforce API governance:

  • Project members: The organization owner or organization admins can invite organization members of the corresponding organization to act as project members. These users can be assigned to the project as either of the following project user roles:

    • API designer: These users create APIs, API models, and collections with or without Kanban tickets.

    • API reviewer: These users review the APIs that are designed by API designers. They can review API requirements via Kanban tickets.

  • Project consumer: The organization owner or organization admins can invite organization consumers of the corresponding organization to act as project consumers. Project consumers can only view the APIs in the assigned projects.