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Xapi artifacts enable systematically evolving your approved APIs and Models in premium organizations.

Each artifact creates a dedicated branch, isolating the corresponding code changes, which will be merged into the main branch upon review. This enables parallel updates to the same API/Model, allowing efficient collaboration without risking data loss.

Artifact types

Xapi supports the following artifact types:

  • Feature: To add new functionality, e.g., new endpoint for handling user authentication.
  • Improvement: To enhance existing functionality, e.g., optimizing a search endpoint to return results faster.
  • Bug Fix: To resolve identified issues, e.g., correcting an endpoint that returns the wrong status code.

How it works

  1. Create: Organization/project members can create any of the above artifacts for approved APIs.
  2. Design: Designers can begin designing based on artifact requirements.
  3. Review: Reviewers can follow the proper review process to maintain standard-compliant, quality API designs.
  4. Merge: Once reviewed, the changes can be merged with the corresponding approved API version.


Creating API artifacts to evolute the approved API enables:

  • API evolution in a controlled and systematic manner
  • Parallel processing of multiple artifacts independently
  • Minimizing conflicts and disruptions to existing functionality
  • Tracking API evolution
  • Ability to revert changes (if needed)