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Sign Up

Signing Up

To sign up with Xapi:

  1. Navigate to the Sign In (opens in a new tab) screen.

  2. Click REGISTER.

    Register link for sign up

    Note that the Sign Up screen appears.

    Register link for sign up
  3. You may perform either of the following options:

    • OPTION A: Enter your preferred credentials.
    • OPTION B: Use your existing credentials of Google, GitHub, or Microsoft.
  4. Click Create Account. Note that a verification email is sent to the email address that you have provided.



    • If you cannot find the verification email in your email Inbox, check the Spam or All Mail folders.
    • If the link has expired, click on the Resend New Link button. (The validation period of the link is limited to 48 hours.)
  5. Click on the verification link in the verification email. Note that you will be navigated to the Sign In screen.

  6. Sign in with your preferred login credentials. Congratulations! You have just signed up with Xapi.