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Searching APIs

Authorized users can search APIs via:

  • Global search: This option enables public APIs to be searched by any user and private APIs to be searched only by the corresponding organization members.
  • Catalog search: This option enables searching APIs in the corresponding catalog by authorized users.

Before you begin: Sign in to Xapi.

Global search

To search an API via global search:

  1. In the top search bar, enter the API namethat you wish to search.


    Tip: To filter your search, select the 'API' category.

    Global API search

    Note that the search results matching your search text will appear.

    Global API search results
  2. Select the preferred result. Note that the editor view of the selected API appears.

Catalog search

To search an API via catalog search:

  1. You may navigate to a preferred catalog.

  2. In the catalog search box, enter enter the API name that you wish to search.


    Tip: To filter your search, select the 'API' category.

    Catalog API search

    Note that the search results matching your search text will appear.

    Catalog API search results
  3. Select the preferred result. Note that the editor view of the selected API appears.