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Project catalog

Re-enabling API catalog

Xapi facilitates the organization owner and organization admins to re-enable the disabled project catalog of the projects that are created under their organization. When re-enabling a diabled project catalog, you may choose to do either of the following:

  • If the project catalog was not discarded at the time of disabling:
    • Re-enable the old project catalog
    • Create a new project catalog
  • If the project catalog was discard at the time of the disabling, create a new project catalog

To re-enable a disabled project catalog:

  1. From the left-navigation, enable the API Catalog toggle.

    Kanban toggle

    Note that a confirmation pop-up appears.

  2. If the previous project catalog items were discarded when disabling:

    a. Note that a confirmation pop-up appears.

    Catalog re-enable pop-up

    b. Click Yes, enable. Note that a new project catalog gets created.

  3. If the previous project catalog items were kept when disabling:

    a. Note that a confirmation pop-up appears.

    Catalog re-enable pop-up

    b. To re-enable the project catalog with the previous project catalog items, click Yes, continue.

    c. To re-enable the project catalog without previous project catalog items, click No, Enable new project API catalog.