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Unsuspending suspended organization admins and members

Xapi organizations enable unsuspending already-suspended organization users and regrant access.


Note: Who can unsuspend whom from their organization?

  • The organization owner can unsuspend already-suspended organization admins and organization members.
  • The organization admin can only unsuspend already-suspended organization members.

To unsuspend an already suspended organization user:


Warning! Unsuspended organization users will be regranted access to the organization, its projects, and its catalogs.


Before you begin: Sign in to Xapi.

  1. From the Organization drop down, click All Organization.
    Organization drop down

Note that the organization’s All Organization screen appears.

  1. Under the horizontal ellipsis , click Unsuspend organization.

Unsuspend Organization
  1. In the confirmation pop-up, click Yes, Unsuspend. Note that the unsuspended user will be notified via an email and an in-app notification.