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Key Concepts

Key Concepts

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An organization enables you to manage APIs, artifacts, and people who are responsible for creating and maintaining those entities from a central location. For more information on managing organizations, see Organizations.


A project enables managing closely related APIs, artifacts, and people who are working on those APIs and artifacts. Xapi enables managing multiple projects under the same organization depending on the subscription level. For more information on managing projects in Xapi, see Projects.

API Catalog

An API catalog is a central, holistic view of all the APIs, API models, and API collections that are created under a given organization or project. For more information on managing API catalogs, see API Catalogs.


An API (Application Programming Interface) is a well-documented enclosed set of protocols, routines, and tools that enable secure communication between a consumer and a service. A generic API lifecycle includes Designing, Development, Testing, and Deployment phases. Xapi enables creating APIs with design-first mindset. For more information on managing APIs in Xapi, see APIs.

API Model

An API Model (also known as Model) is API templates that can reused for creating new APIs. For more information on managing API models in Xapi, see API Models.

API Collection

An API collection (also known as Collection) is a repository of APIs that enables to centrally manage inter-related APIs and API models. Inside a collection, nested collections can be created according to your requirement. For more informatuon on API collections, see API collections.

API Requirements

An API requirement is an idea to either create a new API or enhance an existing API. Xapi enables effective and efficient capturing and implementation of API requirements via feature and bug tickets on Kanban.

Kanban Board

Kanban Board enables visually representing and tracking the progress of API feature requests, API bug fix requests, and tasks that are associated with the APIs and API models that are created within a given project. Kanban Board enables configuring the review flow based on the review sub-states and reviewer roles. For more information on managing Kanban Board and tickets in Xapi, see Kanban Board.

User Types

Xapi User Types

Xapi mainly has two user types:

  • End user: A user who has not yet registered with Xapi.
  • Platform User: A user who has registered with Xapi.

Organization User Types

Platform users depending on the role they play in an organization are split into four types:

  • Organization Owner: A platform user who creates an organization. Organization owners are entitled to designate organization admins in their organizations.
  • Organization Admin: A platform user who is authorized to perform organization owner tasks within the organization. Organization admins can invite new members to the organization.
  • Organization Member: A platform user who is authorized to design and review APIs of the organization.
  • Organization Consumer: A platform user who can only view and consume APIs of the organization.

Project User Types

Platform users depending on the role they plain in a project are split into for types:

  • API Designer: A platform user who is a project member and is authorized to design APIs within the project.
  • API Reviewers: A platform user who is project member and is authorized to review API designs within the project.
  • API Consumers: A platform user who not necessarily a project member but is authorized to view and consume APIs within the project.