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Remove Admin and Member

Removing suspended organization admins and members

Xapi organizations enable removing suspended organization users from their organization.


Note: Who can remove whom from their organization?

  • The organization owner can remove already-suspended organization admins and organization members.
  • The organization admins can only remove suspended organization members.

To remove suspended organization users:


Warning! Removed organization users will be permanently unassigned from all already-assigned APIs and API models within that organization (if any).


Before you begin:

  1. Sign in to Xapi (opens in a new tab).
  2. Navigate to the organization in which the user you wish to remove is a user.
  1. From the organization left navigation, click People. Note that the organization’s People screen appears.

  2. Click on the Suspended filter.

  3. Under the horizontal ellipsis, click Remove member.

    Remove member
  4. In the confirmation pop-up, click Yes, remove. Note that the removed user will be notified via an email and an in-app notification.