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Xapi organizations enable centrally managing your APIs and API development teams. Under an organization, you may manage multiple projects.

Organization types

Xapi offers different organization types catering to various organizational needs:

  • Default organization: A default organization is automatically created when a new user registers with Xapi. The default organization acts as a sandbox to try out managing APIs and API models from a under its default API catalog. APIs created under the default API catalog will be visible to all Xapi users.


    Info: To learn how to work with Xapi default organizations, see Default QSG.

  • Premium organizations: Premium organizations facilitate comprehensive API management and team collaboration. The number of APIs and members within the organization depends on the subscription tier (opens in a new tab). Organization owners can choose to set the organization visibility to private or public.

    • Public premium organizations: APIs of a public premium organization can be viewed by all Xapi users. Non-Xapi users will also be able to search public profiles of those APIs via Xapi API hub.

    • Private premium organizations: APIs and artifacts of a private premium organization can be only viewed by its members.

Organization user types

An Xapi default organization will only have an organization owner.

An Xapi premium organizations may have the following user types:

  • Organization owner: This is the Xapi platform user who created the organization. At any given point, there will only be one organization owner per organization.

  • Organization admin: The organization owner of a public/private premium organization is allowed to invite Xapi platform users to join their organizations and perform Xapi administration tasks. The number of organization admins that an organization may have depends on the organization subscription tier (opens in a new tab).

  • Organization member: The organization owner and organization admins of a public/private premium organization are allowed to invite both existing Xapi users as well as non-Xapi users to join their organization. Organization members are allowed to collaborate with all the assigned projects under the corresponding organization. The number of organization members that an organization may have depends on the organization subscription tier (opens in a new tab).

  • Organization consumer: The organization owner and organization admins of a public/private premium organization are allowed to invite both existing Xapi users as well as non-Xapi users join their organization. Organization consumers are only allowed to view all the assigned projects under the corresponding organization. The number of organization consumers that an organization may have depends on the organization subscription tier (opens in a new tab).