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Creating Improvement

The organization owner, organization admins, API designers, and API reviewers can add imporvement artifacts to authorized APIs and Models in premium organizations.

To add a new improvement artifact to an API/Model:


Before you begin:

  1. Sign in to Xapi.
  2. Navigate to the organization/project catalog where the API/Model for which you wish to add a new improvement artifact exists.
  3. Click on the corresponding API/Model.

Note: Make sure your API/Model is in 'Done' state. To learn how to change API/Model ticket status, see Changing Ticket Status.

  1. Hover over the top-right corner of a preferred API/Model version card. Note that a horizontal ellipsis appears.

    API card horizontal ellipsis option
  2. Click Create > Improvement.

    Create Improvement ellipsis option

    Note that the Create New Improvement dialog appears.

    Improvement details entry
  3. Under DETAILS, enter improvement artifact details as given below.



    • Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
    • Fields marked with two asterisks (**) are not editable.
    FieldDescriptionSample Value
    API improvement name*Briefly defines the improvement.Add Order Status History Endpoint
    API name**The base API/Model name.OrderManagementAPI
    Project**The project under which the base API/Model is created.default project
    Collection path**The collection under which the base API/Model is created.Ordering /OrderManagementAPI/1.0
    Open API version**The OpenAPI specification version of the base API/Model.3.1
    API version**The base API/Model version.1.0
    Format**The format in which your base API/Model data will be structured.
    • - JSON
    • - YAML
    Protocol**The protocol that your base API/Model will use to communicate.
    • - REST
    DescriptionDescribes your improvement artifact purpose.
  4. Click Next.

  5. Under AVATAR, you may either upload an avatar or select an existing avatar.

    New improvement avatar selection
  6. Click Next.

  7. Under REVIEW, you may review the entered API details.

    Improvement details review

    Tip: You may change the entered improvement details by going back to the previous tab.

  8. Click Create. Upon successfully creating the improvement, note that:

    • A dedicated branch dedicated to the improvement gets created under the corresponding API/Model version.
    • You will be navigated to the editor view of your API/Model.
    • Your new improvement will appear in the Improvements screen of the corresponding Catalog.
    • All authorized members will be notified via Activity Stream.