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Bug Fixes

Merging Bug Fix

Xapi enables reviewers, organization admins, and organization owners to merge bug fix artifacts that exist in the 'Review in Progress' status.

To merge a bug fix artifact:

  1. Click Merge.

    Merge button

    Note that a confirmation dialog appears.

    Merge confirmation dialog
  2. Enter merge details as given below.


    Note: Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

    FieldDescriptionSample Value
    Merge title*Briefly identifies the merge.Add Payment Gateway Integration to OrderManagementAPI
    Merge message*Describes the merge.This merge adds the payment gateway integration feature. No conflicts detected, all tests passed.
  3. Click Merge. Note that the:

    • Status updates to 'Done'.
    • Artifact changes merge to the base API/Model. To compare the changes, under the right pane, click the History tab.