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Updating Feature Status

Xapi enables marking the progress of a feature artifact by switching between the following statuses:

  • To Do
  • Design in Progress
  • Review in Progress
  • Merge in Progress
  • Done


Xapi permits authorized users to update the feature artifact status as given below:

  • Designer:

    Permitted status changes for API Designer
  • Reviewer, Organization Admin, Organization Owner:

    Permitted status changes for API Designer, Organization Admin, and Organization Owner


A feature artifact status update can be performed via the following interfaces:

  • Kanban Ticket: If the corresponding project is Kanban-enabled.


    Info To learn how to update a Kanban ticket status, see Updating Kanban Ticket Status.

  • Editor: Regardless of whether the corresponding project is Kanban-enabled.

Let's learn how to update the feature artifact status via Editor!

Updating via Editor

To update the feature artifact status via Editor:

  1. Click on a preferred feature. Note that the Editor appears in a separate browser tab.

  2. Update the status as required.

    Feature status change via Editor

    When moving a feature artifact's status from 'Review in Progress' to 'Done', note that a confirmation dialog appears.

    Feature done confirmation dialog
  3. Click Yes, change. Note that a merge confirmation dialog appears.

    Feature done confirmation dialog
  4. Click Yes, Continue. Note that the feature artifact status updates to 'Merge in Progress'.

    Merge in Progress status

    Info To learn how to merge a feature artifact, see Merging Feature.