User Guides
API artifacts


An API feature branch is a development branch that is created to work on a new feature or enhancement for an API. The goal is to allow developers to work on new features or changes to the API without impacting the main API branch or disrupting the work of other developers. For more information, see here.

Create Features

This function allows you to create a new feature for an API. And the base API should be an approved API. This option is available only for the Premium Organization category.


Info: To learn about the status change of a base API, click here.

To Create Features

  1. Click the profile icon and select All organizations. The system displays all the organizations which you have already joined.

  2. Select the Organization that you desire to create the API feature. The Organization dashboard displays.

    If the selected organization has enabled the project-level API catalog,

    • Click the Projects drop down from the charms bar and select View all projects. The system displays all the projects which are under the organization.
    • Select the project that you desire to create the API feature. The Project dashboard displays. If the selected organization has enabled or has not enabled the project-level API catalog,
    • Click the API catalogs drop-down from the charms bar and select the relevant API catalog that you desire to create the feature.

    The API catalog screen displays.

  3. Select the API that you desire to create the API feature. The API Versions screen displays.

  4. Click the horizontal ellipsis of the API which is in 'Done' State.

  5. Select Create horizontal drop down and select Create Feature. The Create New Feature form displays.

  6. In the resulting window, fill in the following fields as required.


Note: Fields marked with * are mandatory.

API Feature Name*Enter a name for the API feature.
Note: Duplicate names will be rejected.
API Name*This field is pre-populated with the given API name.
Project*This field is pre-populated with the given project name.
Collection path*This field is pre-populated with the given API collection path.
Open API version*This field is pre-populated with the Open API version which is the same as base API.
Format*This field is pre-populated with the format which is same as base API.
Protocol*This field is pre-populated with the API protocol which is same as base API.
DescriptionEnter a description for the API feature.

Image description
  1. Click Next. You are navigated to the Avatar tab.

  2. Select an Avatar and color from the given options. If you want to set an image as the avatar, drop or browse an image from the system files.


Note: The image size should not exceed 500kb.

  1. Click Next. You are navigated to the Review tab. Review the entered details for the Create New Feature form.

  2. Click Create. The API feature is created successfully.

View Features

  1. Click the profile icon and select All Organizations.
    The system displays all the organizations which you have already joined.

  2. Select the Organization that you desire to view the API feature. The Organization dashboard displays. If the selected organization has enabled the project-level API catalog,

    • Click Projects drop down from the charms bar and select View all projects.
      The system displays all the projects which are under the organization.
    • Select the project that you desire to create the API feature. The Project dashboard displays. If the selected organization has enabled or has not enabled the project-level API catalog,
    • Click the API catalogs drop down from the charms bar and select the relevant API catalog that you desire to view the feature. The API catalog screen displays.
    • Select the API that you desire to view the API feature.

    The API versions screen displays.

  3. Click the horizontal ellipsis of the API which is in 'Done' State.

  4. Select View horizontal drop down and select View Features. The All Features appears.

The API editor of the API feature appears. For more information, see API Editor.

Assign / Un-assign features

You can assign an API feature to a project member so that they can continue the improved API design.

To assign/un-assign features when the project has Kanban-enabled,

  1. Navigate to Organization dashboard > API catalogs.

  2. Select the relevant API catalog. The API catalog screen appears.

  3. Select Kanban from the left-side panel.

  4. Select the relevant Kanban ticket which is attached to the API features.

  5. Click the Kanban ticket.

  6. Select the Assignee drop-down and select the API member that you want to assign. You can un-assign a feature from the Kanban board by selecting Unassign. If the Kanban ticket has already been assigned to an API member.

    You can assign the Kanban ticket to each member type according to the following status:


Note: You can only assign an API feature to an API member according to the following API ticket status and member type.

Org OwnerOrg OwnerOrg members (Exclude super users)All project membersReviewersDesignersConsumer
Approved Ticket (Done)Not AllowedNot AllowedNot Allowed----
Un-approved API (To-do, design-in-progress)AllowedAllowedAllowedAllowed--Not Allowed
Un-approved API (Review-in-progress)AllowedAllowedAllowed-Allowed-Not Allowed

To assign/un-assign features when the project has not enabled the Kanban board,

To assign an API member to an API first you need to view the API improvement. See the View API features section for directions.

Select the Assignee drop dropdown and choose an assignee. You can un-assign a feature from the API feature by selecting Unassign from the Assignee drop-down if the Kanban ticket has already been assigned to an API member.


Note: You can only assign an API feature to an API member according to the following API ticket status and member type.

Org OwnerOrg OwnerOrg members (Exclude super users)All project membersReviewersDesignersConsumer
Approved Ticket (Done)Not AllowedNot AllowedNot Allowed----
Un-approved API (To-do, design-in-progress)AllowedAllowedAllowedAllowed--Not Allowed
Un-approved API (Review-in-progress)AllowedAllowedAllowed-Allowed-Not Allowed

The newly assigned API member notifies via notifications.

Change Kanban Ticket Status and Merge

You can change the status of an API feature so that you can easily identify the state of your API. Users are encouraged to enable the Kanban board when working on projects.

To change the Kanban ticket status when you have enabled the project Kanban board,

  1. Navigate to Organization dashboard > API catalogs.

  2. Select the relevant API catalog. The API catalog screen appears.

  3. Select Kanban from the left-side panel.

  4. Select the relevant Kanban ticket which is attached to the API feature.

  5. Click the Kanban ticket.

  6. Click on the Status drop-down and select the following options from the current status according to the permitted project user type:

Existing API statusIf you are an API designerIf you are an API reviewer
To doDesign in progressDesign in progress
Design in progressReview in progress To doReview in progress To do
Review in progressNot allowed to make status changes.Design in progress Done
DoneNot allowed to make status changes.Not allowed to make status changes.

The following table explains how the status-changing permission varies based on ticket status and user roles:

StatusOrg OwnerOrg AdminOrg membersProject membersReviewersDesignersConsumers
To-do, Design-In-progressAllowedAllowedAllowedAllowed--Not-allowed

Now the status of the Kanban ticket and the API feature editor is updated accordingly.

To change the API status when you have not enabled the project Kanban board,

To change the status of an API feature first you need to view the API feature. See the View API features section for directions.

Click on the Status drop-down and select the following API status which is based on the current status:

Current API statusPossible states to change
To DoDesign In Progress
Design In ProgressTo Do Review In Progress
Review In ProgressDesign In Progress Done

See the status changing permission table for learn about the permissions:

StatusOrg OwnerOrg AdminOrg membersProject membersReviewersDesignersConsumers
To-do, Design-In-progressAllowedAllowedAllowedAllowed--Not-allowed
Review-in-progressAllowedAllowedNot-allowedNot allowedAllowedNot-allowedNot-allowed

Now, the status of the API feature is changed successfully in the editor.

To Merge

Once you have successfully updated the API feature to the 'Done' state.

After updating the API feature status to the Done state from the Review-in-progress state Xapi enables you to merge the API feature to the base API. Follow these steps to merge the API feature to the base API.

  1. Click the Merge button and the Merge all Changes pop-up appears.

  2. Fill in the following fields to proceed with the merging process.


Note: Fields marked with * are mandatory.

  • Merge Title * - Title of the merge
  • Merge message
  1. Click Merge.

Now you have successfully merged the API feature to the base API.

Edit Features

You can edit the details of existing API features.

To edit an API feature, you must view the API features first. For more information, see View features.

To Edit Features

In the resulting screen,

  1. Click the vertical ellipsis on the selected API feature.

  2. Select Edit Improvement You can see the Edit API feature screen now.

  3. In the resulting window, fill in the following fields as required in the details tab.


Note: Fields marked with * are mandatory.

Open API versionThis field is pre-populated with the Open API version which is the same as the base API.
API versionThis field is pre-populated with the API version which is same as base API.
API Feature Name *This field is pre-populated with the given API feature name when creating the API.You can edit the name preferably.
Project *This field is pre-populated with the given project name.
Collection path*This field is pre-populated with the given API collection path.
Format*This field is pre-populated with the format which is same as base API.
Protocol *This field is pre-populated with the API protocol which is same as base API.
DescriptionThis field is pre-populated with the given description when creating the API feature.
You can edit the description preferably.
  1. Click Next. You are navigated to the Avatar tab.

  2. Select an avatar and color from the given options. If you want to set an image as the avatar, drop or browse an image from the system files.


Note: The image size shouldn’t exceed 500kb.

  1. Click Next. You are navigated to the Review tab. Review the entered details of the Edit API Feature form.

Note: Before clicking on Update API feature, you can always navigate to other tabs.

  1. Click Update API Features. Your API feature is successfully updated now.

To Delete Features

In the resulting screen,

  1. Click the vertical ellipsis on the selected API feature.

  2. Select Delete feature.
    A confirmation popup appears on your screen now.

    In order to confirm the API feature deletion, you need to fill the following details:

    API name * – Enter the given API feature name.

    Reason to delete- the reason you are deleting the API feature.

  3. Click Yes, delete The API feature has been deleted successfully.

    API feature delete permission is based on the project member’s user role and the API feature’s status:

    API DesignerAllowedAllowedNot-allowedNot-allowed
    API ReviewerAllowedAllowedAllowedAllowed

Search Features 

To search for an API feature, you have to view the API feature first. For more information, see View Features 

In the resulting screen,  

Click on the search bar and type a phrase of the API feature name that you want to search. 

The matching search results appear in the All Features screen.